(033) 65655020 | officeabmschool@gmail.com

Aaloke Bharti Model School

Affiliated to C.B.S.E, New Delhi (Affiliation No.2430178)
Conducted by Aaloke Bharti Education & Welfare Society

Mission and Vision


Aaloke Bharti Model School – Our Mission at Aaloke Bharti Model School is to educate and support students as they develop into lifelong learners by providing a nurturing environment where academic and personal excellence can be achieved. We are committed to assure learning experiences that will assist our students to achieve their greatest potential to adapt and adjust to a diverse and ever changing society. Our goal is to facilitate the development of self-confidence and to provide our students with the academic foundation necessary for them to reach their true potential and enjoy a successful experience in higher education. We are dedicated to serve our students with the understanding that diversity of gender, physical or mental ability, culture, and background are strength to be respected.


To develop inquiring, knowledgeable and caring young people who help to create a better and more peaceful world through intercultural understanding and respect.

Quick Contact
Rana Park, Aatghara, P.O - Dhalua, Garia
Kolkata - 700 152
033 - 65655020, 8697049158, 8697049258
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